Learn about the history of Etzanoa and the surrounding area.

Learn About Etzanoa
In June 2015, archaeologist Don Blakeslee led a wide-ranging field study in central and southern Kansas. One of his primary goals was to re-discover the long-lost city of Etzanoa.
He was successful…
Learn About The Inhabitants
The Great Central and Southern Plains of the United States was home to hundreds of thousands of native peoples prior European contact. They lived in groups often based on family relationships, common languages, common legends of creation, and legends of how the world works around them…

Learn About Juan de Oñate
Juan de Oñate is known as the last of the conquistadors because he was the last Spanish knight sent forth by the Crown to seek glory and fortune in a new land, according to biographer Marc Simmons…
Learn About The Battlefield
Spain’s Last Conquistador, Don Juan de Oñate, set out from his colony in New Mexico in 1601 to explore the lands north and east of the of the Rio Grande…